repressed normality


passing/playing time

one of the things i like to do in the mall is go to the arcade, juvenile as it may sound, it really is an easy way to relieve stress, and basically while away a few hours i would have spent in front of my computer anyway, this way i have to walk around and play games standing.

barring that however, the other fun thing to do in the mall(ok fine, in the arcade) is to watch the masters of each particular arcade machine at work. of course the most entertaining to watch would always be the dance-dance revolution people. these dance people on first glance are your typical young adult wandering around the mall with too much time on their hands kind of people, but when they step on the dance floor(pun intended), they are reborn into incredible dance machines with seemingly weightless legs! even when the whole screen is filled with hundreds of arrows they never seem to skip a beat. same goes for the drummania people, who even bring their own drumsticks with them.

what you'd notice then from these people is their utter nonchalance, even when they nail that particularly hard segment that had me dizzy just from looking at it, they exhibit this cool attitude, perhaps just a small smile of satisfaction or a slight smirk and then they step off the podium, having finished their 15 minutes of fame.


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