repressed normality


God and the world

why did God create humans? it's one of the first things that pop into my mind whenever there's a theological discussion, and so far, no one's given me a reasonable answer, heck even a silly answer would have sufficed, like God made us on a whim, or He made us just so we can destroy the earth and have Him make a new one, or that it's interesting to see how all these humans interact with each other, like an ant farm project. its easy for Christians to give answers to why they themselves were created, simply by stating that they are a conduit for God's Will on earth, or that God must have SOME purpose in making them, and they will realize it by living through His Words.

but what happens to the others who don't share their beliefs? i know its the age-old religious conflicts that's said to be as old as time, but they are as valid now as they were before, even with the concept of free religion. no matter what happens, a belief in one religion automatically invalidates another, since there is no way to reconcile 2 different doctrines together, sure there are parallels, but people always want to be picky about details. and that's what bothers me, along with the supposed purpose of the human race in existing. why did God create all those different religions? or is it that these were just a result of human interaction and have nothing to do with Him whatsoever? which doesn't make sense since that would mean some of the humans He has created have the purpose of creating conflict. so are they doomed to eternal damnation for having fulfilled His purpose?

truth to tell all these thoughts are just a manifestation of my aimlessness, an offshoot of uncertainty in a world full of uncertainties. where no one is universally right or wrong, and there's no real way to discern your purpose in life. that's why i envy the single-minded people, who don't let these thoughts bother them, and just go through life in the way they know to be right.


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